Mochuan Drives - Professional design, manufacturer HMI Touch Screen Panel & PLC Controller, provide industry solutions and system integration since 2009.

  • Professional design, manufacturer HMI Touch Screen Panel & PLC Controller, provide industry solutions and system integration since 2009.


Switching Power Supply EMI/EMC Compliance: Best Practices


Switching Power Supply EMI/EMC Compliance: Best Practices


Switching power supplies are widely used in various electronic devices due to their efficiency and compact size. However, these power supplies often generate electromagnetic interference (EMI) and may fail to comply with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards. This article will explore the best practices for achieving EMI/EMC compliance in switching power supplies.

Understanding EMI and EMC

EMI refers to the radiation or conduction of electromagnetic energy from an electronic device that can interfere with the normal operation of other devices. On the other hand, EMC refers to the ability of electronic devices to operate without causing interference and to be immune to external electromagnetic disturbances.

Design Considerations for EMI/EMC Compliance

Designing a switching power supply with EMI/EMC compliance in mind is crucial. Here are some best practices to consider:

1. Proper Grounding and Shielding:

A solid grounding and effective shielding are essential to minimize EMI emissions and susceptibility to external disturbances. Designers should pay attention to the layout of the power supply circuit and use proper grounding techniques to minimize ground loops and the coupling of unwanted noise.

2. Layout Considerations:

Careful component placement and layout can greatly reduce EMI. Keeping high-speed switching components away from sensitive circuitry and signal paths can help avoid unwanted coupling. Additionally, utilizing a single ground plane and minimizing trace lengths can further enhance EMI performance.

3. Filtering and Decoupling:

The inclusion of appropriate filters, such as common-mode chokes and EMI suppression capacitors, can help attenuate the conducted EMI emissions. Similarly, decoupling capacitors placed near integrated circuits can reduce unwanted noise coupling and improve EMC performance.

Component Selection for EMI/EMC Compliance

Choosing the right components is essential to achieve EMI/EMC compliance in switching power supplies. Here are some considerations:

1. Integrated Magnetics:

Using integrated magnetics, such as transformers and inductors, can help minimize unwanted radiation and improve EMI performance. These components should be specially designed to reduce leakage inductance and interwinding capacitance.

2. High-Quality Filtering Components:

Selecting high-quality capacitors, inductors, and filters can significantly reduce EMI. Components with low ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) and ESL (Equivalent Series Inductance) are recommended for better performance.

3. Test and Measurement Equipment:

Investing in quality test and measurement equipment is crucial for evaluating EMI/EMC compliance. Conducting pre-compliance tests during the development phase can help identify potential issues and ensure compliance with regulations.

Regulatory Standards and Testing

To ensure EMI/EMC compliance, switching power supplies must adhere to relevant regulatory standards. Common standards include those set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and similar bodies globally.

1. FCC Part 15:

In the United States, switching power supplies must comply with FCC Part 15 regulations. These regulations define limits for conducted and radiated emissions and ensure that electronic devices do not interfere with other equipment.

2. IEC Standards:

The IEC 61000 series provides a comprehensive set of international standards for EMC compliance testing. Compliance with these standards ensures that electronic devices are immune to external electromagnetic disturbances and do not contribute excessive emissions.

Common EMI/EMC Issues and Remedies

Despite following best practices, switching power supplies may encounter various EMI/EMC issues. Understanding these problems and their remedies can help achieve compliance.

1. EMI Filter Optimization:

If a switching power supply fails to meet the regulatory limits, optimizing the EMI filter by adding additional filtering components or modifying existing ones can be beneficial. Careful analysis of conducted and radiated emissions can identify the specific frequencies that need attention.

2. Grounding and Shielding Issues:

Improper grounding and inefficient shielding can lead to EMI problems. Ensuring a solid grounding structure and employing proper shielding techniques can resolve these issues. Conducting a thorough impedance analysis and implementing necessary changes can improve the power supply's EMI/EMC performance.

Future Trends and Innovations

As technology advances, new trends and innovations are emerging to address EMI/EMC challenges in switching power supplies.

1. Advanced PCB Materials:

The use of advanced printed circuit board (PCB) materials with improved dielectric properties can enhance EMI/EMC performance. These materials offer lower signal loss and are less susceptible to electromagnetic interference.

2. Software Simulation Tools:

Software simulation tools are becoming more sophisticated and allow designers to evaluate EMI/EMC performance virtually. These tools simulate the behavior of the power supply under different conditions, helping identify potential EMI issues early in the design phase.


Achieving EMI/EMC compliance in switching power supplies is crucial to prevent interference and ensure reliable operation. By following best practices, selecting suitable components, complying with relevant standards, and addressing common issues, manufacturers can produce switching power supplies that meet regulatory requirements while maintaining optimal performance.


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