This video is major introduce the task plan, the function, when the time is up, to perform some actions, including set bit switch, set the value of the word and execute macro commands.
Task planning
Hello, welcome to the touch screen operation video tutorial, today we will talk about the task plan. Task plan, its function is when the time comes to perform some operations, this operation includes setting the positioning of the switch, set the word value, the implementation of macro commands, pop-up windows, play buzzer, play sound, it is opened in two ways, the first is to click on the settings, the system settings task plan, the second is to click on the project, task plan, open the property page, click on new, describe the function of the task plan, for example Timing switch (timing switch), enable control is when a certain set 1, this task plan will not be executed, here is not checked, the mode is specified week, alternate days and address variables, first is specified week, it can specify a day of the week or a certain number of days to execute, need to pay attention to is that the start and end time is the same day, and then look at the alternate days, that is The start time is on the first day, the end time can be on the second day, for example, now is the beginning of Sunday, that can end on Monday, if you use the address variable, set an address, when it is equal to 0, the specified week is used, when it is equal to 1, use the alternate day, the corresponding start date has some registers, for example, lw4 of 0 ~ 6 respectively represent Sunday to Saturday, where lw567 represents hours, minutes and seconds, the end date Lw8 to 0 ~ 6, said the specified Sunday to Saturday, this side with the specified week, the beginning of the implementation, this side has the power on when the implementation, when the power on is between the start time and the end, then the implementation, if it is in the start time and the end time outside the start, it is not implemented, bit setting is to set the address to ON or OFF, word setting, you can set the word or word value, trigger macro command is to trigger a certain macro command, pop-up window can choose to pop-up a certain window, use the buzzer can set the buzzer sound time, play a certain sound, the end of the execution and the beginning of the execution is basically the same, it will not explain, click OK.
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