External keyboards
Hello everyone, welcome to the touch screen operation video tutorial, today we will explain the use of the external keyboard. First of all, the use of the keyboard, there are currently two types of keyboard support, break-in button keyboard and USB keyboard, USB keyboard is a plug-and-play, if you need to map, you need to choose the type of device to set, first of all, click on the project, find the communication connection inside the keyboard, the use of keyboard tick, select the USB keyboard, mapping here, the default is up to the top, down to the bottom, you can also modify, click OK. Click OK, the second keyboard is a serial keyboard, also need to be set in the communication connection, click on the project - keyboard, change the type of external keyboard to, for example, with FR7 this, this side of the COM to be connected, communication type, baud rate, etc. to keep in line with the keyboard, and then keyboard mapping relationship, click OK. The second talk about the mapping of components, for example, this side is a switch component, the beard port point to open the control settings, there is a keyboard below, check the use of keyboard, such as with F1, click OK, in the keyboard point F1, is the operation of this switch, there is a numerical input components, you need to adjust the keyboard settings to not use the keyboard, and then come to the control settings, check the use of keyboard, such as with F12, click OK, when you click F12, you can select this numeric input element and perform numeric input operations. The following is a description of the components that currently support keyboard handover: switches, numeric character input, function keys, file browser box, list and selection box, the default setting for left and right movement is in the order of FS placement, you can check in the outline, for example, the one now selected, click the arrow to the right of the keyboard, will select this one, then click again will return to LB1, you can also set the left and right movement to move by pixel. You need to set the special register SRB10014 to 1, the operation method can be achieved through the timer, put the timer in the public window, click on the public window, double click on the public window, open the property page, find the timer, add a timer, click on the add button, select trigger when the window is open, stop when the window is closed, the timer function selects the status setting, if set to register click on the system Register, select keyboard-related, select SRB10014 keyboard focus left and right movement, equal to 1 when moving left and right, equal to 0 when moving in the order in which components are added, click Select, set the way is set to ON, FS keyboard focus movement, left and right movement is to move by pixel, click OK, then click OK, then look at the up and down movement, up and down movement is to move up by For example, this button is now selected, click on it, the up and down shots will jump to this button, and one more thing to note is that the high point is invalidated by putting the component outside the screen. The use of the keyboard is explained here, thank you for watching.
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